sephie’s story

Art Direction - Branding - Research & Development


September 2017 marked two years since 'Dieselgate', the now infamous scandal involving the car manufacturer Volkswagen, who cheated emissions tests to hide the true environmental impact of their diesel cars. At the time, VW paid millions in fines in America but refused to accept its wrongdoing in the UK, so Greenpeace launched a campaign to demand that VW ditch diesel and commit to manufacturing 100% electric cars. 

I collaborated with design agency Minute Works to create a visual identity for a direct action against VW, stopping a shipment of diesel vehicles in London. It needed to communicate the emotional rationale behind the action, and clearly frame VW for their part in the air pollution health crisis. 

The visual identity centred around a portrait of Sephie, a real little girl whose health is badly affected by air pollution. I translated this story into a striking stylised illustration of the girl in a defiant and empowered stance wearing an air pollution mask marked with the VW logo.

The brief was a sharp, captivating concept that attacked the VW brand, dismantling VW’s public image and shaming it for its role in air pollution and its careless commitment to dirty diesel.

The resulting visual concept was applied to a variety of materials, including a giant banner that was suspended from the stern of a ship carrying new diesel vehicles into the UK. Greenpeace also occupied a car park storing the new vehicles, applying stickers to the engines of the vehicles to spread messages of concern from Greenpeace supporters and VW customers. 
